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Code of Ethics

As members and employees of the National Association for Temple Administration (NATA), we hold ourselves to the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, moral conscience, and social responsibility. The NATA Code of Ethics is intended to provide a support mechanism that articulates the expectations and standards for ethical behavior for NATA members and staff and will provide the structures and processes necessary to implement and enforce the Code. We believe that delineating what is expected of us and identifying where ethical challenges may arise will strengthen us as individuals, and thereby strengthen our profession.

We pledge ourselves to be scrupulous in our adherence to this Code of Ethics, and to hold ourselves and our colleagues to the highest standards. At the same time, we seek to balance the principles of midat hadin (principle of justice) and midat harachamim (principle of compassion).

The Code is a living document that is regularly updated and revised in light of experience, to guide our conduct in serving NATA and our organizations. All NATA members and staff are required to review and reaffirm their commitment to the Code of Ethics each year.

To report an Ethics violation, please use the online reporting form or contact the NATA Ethics Chair, President, or Executive Director.

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