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Honoring Your Executive Director

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Even in ordinary times, synagogue Executive Directors and Administrators manage a myriad of challenges in their day-to-day work. But these are no ordinary times. These are EXTRAORDINARY times, and NATA members have had to go significantly above and beyond normal expectations to help shepherd communities through virtual High Holy Days services, opening and closing again and again based on the latest surge of Covid cases, holding the community closely together during a time of physical distance and isolation, and so much more. It is always appropriate to say "thank you" for a job well done, and in these uncertain times that appreciation can go even farther to help our members feel valued as individuals and as leaders in their communities.

In addition to encouraging congregations to provide ongoing expressions of appreciation throughout the year, NATA offers two ways congregations can honor their Executive Directors and Administrators during our annual conference. These public expressions of gratitude not only bring pride to your community but can also infuse the honoree with renewed energy and commitment, ensuring even greater success in the year to come.

Annual Awards

Each year at the Annual Conference, NATA recognizes members for exceptional commitment to NATA and to the community. Two award categories are offered, and congregational leaders are welcome to nominate their Executive Director or Administrator for consideration as an award recipient.

Tribute Ads

The NATA conference Program Book includes tribute ads honoring our members. Congregations may purchase quarter-, half-, or full-page ads. Celebrate your Executive Director or Administrator by expressing how much their hard work and dedication means to the community.

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